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Rural Insurance

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About the Policy

Rural Insurance is designed to provide financial security and peace of mind to families living in rural areas. This plan ensures that these families can lead comfortable and happy lives by covering various risks associated with their livelihoods.

From life cover to protection against unforeseen events, Rural Insurance offers comprehensive solutions tailored to the needs of rural communities.

Our Rural Insurance Plans are crafted to meet the unique needs of rural populations, offering protection and savings at low premium costs. With a hassle-free buying process, these plans play a vital role in bringing financial services to rural areas.

Tax benefits apply to premiums paid under Section 80C and the sum assured received on death under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Key Benefits

Check out the key benefits offered by a standard rural insurance policy in India.

What are the tax benefits?

Tax benefits apply to premiums paid under Section 80C and the sum assured received on death under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Any individual from rural areas, including agricultural workers and marginal farmers, can buy these policies to secure their future and that of their families.