We offer General and Life insurance products, ensuring the utmost professionalism and integrity in every service we provide.

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++91 91459 06308

Office Address

Jaipur, Rajasthan, 3020019

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Our Insurance Solutions

Fire Policy

Fire insurance covers property damage and losses caused by fire hazards.

Engineering Policy

This policy covers machinery breakdown, electronics equipment policy, etc.

Motor Policy

A motor policy covers vehicle damage and mandatory third-party liability.

Health Policy

Choose a health cover that ensures essential health services and treatments.

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Insurance Policies to Choose From
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Your Most Trusted Insurance Advisors

Blue Umbrella Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd. is one of the most trusted names in the insurance broking industry, offering General, Life, and Reinsurance services.

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Your Policy Purchase Journey

Pick Your Plan

Choose a plan that best fits your needs, and future goals.

Enter Details

You will be required to share a few details to proceed.

Review Quote

Choose a policy that covers your financial goals.

Purchase Policy

Purchase policy and get secured for a bright future.

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Customer Feedback on Our Insurance

How professional and helpful are our customer service representatives? Here's what our delighted customers say about their insurance-buying experience with Blue Umbrella.

We offer highest customer satisfaction at competitive rates with 99.9% quality service
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Why Choose Blue Umbrella?

Contact us today to discover how we can help protect what matters most to you with unmatched expertise and dedication.

Knowledge-Based Approach

We analyze your business to identify specific risks and provide customized solutions.

Outstanding Claims Service

We offer exceptional support throughout the claims completion process.

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News & Articles


Build a Protective Insurance Program for Your Family

When it comes to safeguarding your family's future, building a...


Permanent Total Disablement Cover; Full Details

In a world where uncertainties are part of daily life,...


Property Insurance & Animal Attack Coverage Policy

Property insurance is a crucial component of safeguarding your valuable...